19th December Update: SustMeme Top 500, interview with The Fintech Times, Christmas break and more!


Here's the latest update from the GTS team!

Last week we made it to 16th place on the SustMeme Ranking of Top 500 influencers and players active on Twitter in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Sustainable, Green and Ethical Business, Socially Responsible Investment and Governance.

Take a look here.

An interview went live in The Fintech Times last week in their ‘Behind The Idea’ series. Leanne chatted with them about the problem we are trying to solve at Giving To Services and delved into some of our biggest achievements so far.

Please note the interview was undertaken in September and published last week, so some of the information is outdated.

Take a read here.

Our team are going to take some time off over the Christmas period so please be mindful when trying to get in touch that replies may be slower than usual. Everyone will be back in the office from 3rd Jan and any outstanding messages will be replied to immediately upon our return.

Our next update will be in the New Year, so we wish you a very Merry Christmas and hope you have some great crypto chats over the family dinner table this year!  

GTS Team
October 5, 2023