1st February Update: third-party integration, XRPL token launch, FAQ and more!


Hi all,

Thanks for your patience between updates. I am aware it was due yesterday however I made the decision to hold it back in the hope I could add in some great news!

I’m pleased to say that we now have a token launched on the XRP Ledger. The link below shows our contract address (not our main wallet) and now our devs are able to begin the testing phase for things such as the transaction burn, before we switch our existing users over!


I am always keen to update you as to how our XRPL build is going as and when we have news. We as a team understand that many of you would have hoped we would be switched over by now! This of course we appreciate, and we want to again thank you for your patience.

The rest of the build is going well aside from the token itself and we are really pleased with how the platform is looking. In terms of visuals, we are just putting in the finishing touches and checking everything over to make sure the user experience is great.

The thing that has however taken up a lot of time is the third-party integration. In order for us to have a fiat on-ramp that allows customers to purchase SVS with a bank card, we need to use a third party. We have agreed to go with a really well-known provider that many of our existing token holders will already likely be KYC’d with.

With this comes a large amount of legal work, due diligence on us and contract negotiations which are not a quick task and often can be held up on the other side and totally out of our control.

We could have decided to rush the process and the build and launch the switch with little effort and with the probability of functions not having been tested correctly, and with a third-party provider that was sub-standard. We however are building a project for longevity and as always strive for excellence in everything we do. Having a platform that is not up to scratch is not something that we are willing to put out to the public.

We thank you all for your patience, we hear and understand your frustrations and know that you are all eager for the updated platform to be ready, and so are we. However, sensibly we are not prepared to do this at the detriment of the longevity of the project and we hope you understand.

Rest assured, our devs are working hard and as we have more details on the build and further details of how testing is going, we will keep you updated.

Aside from the build, the team have been holding interviews for their Marketing Executive position, keeping up-to-date and having input in the working groups at Crypto UK on regulation, speaking to journalists and have been remaining at the top as the World's Top Charity Token via CoinGecko.

We also have had some further community questions that we have answered.


1. Is Crowdcreate still involved?

We are no longer employing Crowdcreate. This is for a few reasons.

Firstly, they wished to moved towards NFT marketing as their focus as a business which we respect however it is not the area of influence that we wish to work in.

Secondly, time difference became apparent after a while working with them, it was extremely hard to communicate effectively with their team and finally, we were not impressed with the work that they produced for us and did not see results that we expected from them.

We, therefore, have decided to bring all marketing in-house, hiring a dedicated crypto marketing specialist that will be full-time for us and therefore give us far better results.

2. Has the team got a marketing strategy in mind?

Aside from our social presence, we have a strong PR presence with journalists which is already attracting great interest. We are, however, building out our marketing team and therefore there is a structured and well-thought-out approach to our marketing moving forward with no third-party in the way.

3. Are there still airdrops planned for the XRP community to attempt to gather new holders and interest?

All marketing will be announced in due course, once we have finalised our Marketing Hire. We will also launch our referral scheme which will be built once we have launched.

4. Can we expect a decent exchange?

Once we have launched onto the XRPL we will be working hard with exchanges to ensure we are listed on as many top-tier ones as possible! Developing relationships with these exchanges is ongoing.

5. When are the service workers scheduled to be welcomed to the platform?

This is our first priority once the switch to the XRPL has been successfully completed. We will also have targeted marketing to encourage service workers to sign up for a wallet.

6. Has the team got any plans to recruit additional experienced crypto personnel this year to steer the project forward?

We are already in the interview stages for our next hire, we will then be growing the team after that. This will include full-time staff and the potential of advisors added to the team.

7. Are there min/max limits to locking tokens to get those APRs or can you lock the lot? Some platforms have a sliding scale.

You can choose to lock all your tokens if you wish too.

8. Are the %’s annual (apy) or for the duration of the lock-in?

The %’s are based on the duration of the lock-in period.

9. What 3rd party fiat company are the team waiting for to launch and has a timeline been given?

We will announce the fiat on-ramp provider soon, we are currently going through the formalities and integration process and therefore will not be announcing any details until this process is complete as per our contracts.

10. There will be no formal schedule/roadmap, but what is in the pipeline to look forward to after the launch of the new platform?

We have only decided not to have a formal schedule, as in the past when we have put expected dates out, and things have been delayed that have been out of our control, we have had disappointment amongst the community. We don’t want this to happen again and therefore have committed to updating the community as and when we have fixed dates.

Once we have launched onto the XRPL we will be developing our Instant Aid, Referral Scheme, Tax PDF’s, Governance and an app.




Leanne Holder, CEO
October 5, 2023