It’s time for another update from the Giving To Services team! It’s been a great few weeks with some great progress. Take a look at some of the things we've been up to below.
The GTS Dev team have been working to add deposit and withdrawal for the new SVS-XRPL token and XRP to our wallet UI, this is now complete. The SVS-ERC-20 deposit will remain in place for a period once the upgraded platform is live to allow current holders to swap for SVS-XRPL.
Something that our community should familiarise themselves with is sending and receiving tokens on XRPL/XRP. When depositing XRP or SVS-XRPL there is an extra identifier to go with the address that you input, called a 'destination tag or memo'. It's nothing complicated in the UI of the platform. When you would previously push the 'copy address' button, there is now an additional 'copy tag' button. This is only mandatory for depositing, when withdrawing you'll find it's optional, though CEX will usually request it.
The connection of the above in the backend of the platform to the frontend, is partially complete and we expect all major aspects of the deposit withdrawal system to be finished in the next week or so. Work will then start on the admin panel and security/robustness checks.
CryptoUK Working Group
As part of our membership of CryptoUK we are given the opportunity to regularly give our opinion and collaborate with other projects in order to guide policy and regulation of our industry in the UK and beyond. It has proven to be a very valuable community for us and we continue to contribute in any way we can. We accepted an invitation this week to be a part of the next working group 'Regulation - Challenges & Opportunities' that begins in October.
Regulation is arguably the most important big-picture issue for our industry, despite there being many projects that still don't take it seriously. At GTS we know it's better to be in the room with policymakers hearing our voice than outside waiting to complain about the end result!
We'll continue to add any value we can to ensure that fair and sensible regulation is employed in the UK, enabling our industry and this unique project to thrive.
We've had a change to our planned events schedule for the remainder of the year. This month we'll be at Zebu LIVE 2022 in London, next month we are at DAS London and in November we will now be attending Web Summit 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal, instead of WOW summit. T
he speakers and opportunities for networking and raising awareness of GTS and our mission are far superior at this event. There are far too many to list here, but hit the link and it'll take you to the pretty impressive speakers page.
As we go into 2023 it is our intent to invest more into these events and the leadership team attending in which potential sponsorships and speaking places are all possible.
We have now begun the process of planning our hiring for the remainder of the year and into 2023. It's essential that as we complete the chain switch and platform upgrade, we have the right people in place to drive awareness and growth.
There are huge but exciting challenges to this as our project is so unique. No one is financially recognising the service community as we do and our ambition to revolutionise the way charitable giving is done will ruffle all the right feathers within that bloated industry.
We are excited to grow the team, and consequently, scale Giving To Services.