How we give back


At Giving To Services, we believe in using blockchain technology for good, charitable giving is how we choose to express that. The core of what Giving To Services is all about is Giving Back to those people that we we respect and are thankful for such as the amazing Health, Fire and Police Services as well as the Military. Our staking platform is the primary way we do this by donating 4% of SVS holders realised staking returns to Service people for free, but this isn’t the only way!

We are always searching for people and causes in need that we can help with, no matter the size. Logistically, we do this as a company, separately from our crypto staking platform. Here’s a summary of a few examples of how we recently were able to make a difference to real peoples lives.

Christmas is a double edged sword for many people, particularly those who are under financial pressure, and over the past couple of years that has been something that we have all felt a little bit more. The team at Giving To Services decided collectively, that a group we’d all like to make Christmas that little bit easier for, were front line NHS workers.

Through our partnership with service community based clothing brand Sin Eaters Guild, we created a collaboration hoodie that we donated to thirty NHS workers who either responded to our social media requests for them to contact us, or who were suggested to us by their friends. The best part is, we threw in the real help, a £100 Amazon gift voucher with each one. We know it made a real difference to a group of people who don’t ask for help naturally.

We also ran our 12 days of Christmas campaign, in which we gave more £100 vouchers away to tagged followers and furthermore, we donated to two charities suggested by our community. These fantastic charities were, ’Mind’, who help people suffering with mental health issues and Scottys Little Soldiers, who support the children of Military personnel killed on operations.

Over the Christmas period we became aware of the story of Susan, a Nurse who’s daughter (also a nurse) had just passed away from cancer and soon after her Grandson had to have open heart surgery. This was a lot for a family to take on in such a short period of time, so we decided to do what we could to help. We discovered that the Grandson had accidentally smashed his phone recently and needed driving lessons they could no longer afford. We were happy to buy him a brand new iPhone and pay for those driving lessons for him. Susan had this to say “Thank you to everyone for kind gift you all gave my grandson. He will be one happy person when he gets them. We can't thank you enough for your generosity and kindness”.

We all go through hard times in our lives that may not be our fault. Our final story is of a recently retired Nurse who has a longstanding battle with multiple sclerosis. Her condition really affects mobility and energy levels and is made worse by stress; that she managed a full career of helping others is testament to her character. She was now living alone with her young sons after the collapse of her marriage due to her husbands infidelity and things were just getting on top of her. She was located in mid Wales and during winter this can be a very unforgiving place due to harsh weather. Her boiler was broken and there was a real concern for the safety of her family with no way of heating their home. The local council had agreed to fit a new boiler, but due to the condition of her home they were unable to do so, she desperately needed a house clearance.

We were able to once again partner with Sin Eaters Guild and source a group of volunteers to spend a weekend with her at our expense, clearing her house and ensuring her and her family were able to enjoy a Christmas in a warm family home. She said “I can’t thank you guys enough for what you’ve done for us, it’s also had a major positive impact on my MS symptoms as I’m no longer as stressed and overwhelmed so the pain has reduced considerably in my legs. I just wanted to thank you all for literally giving me my life back.”

GTS Team
October 5, 2023