10th October Update: the XRPL build, interview with TechRound, crypto event and more!


Hi community, Jake the COO here. It’s update time! We know that you are loving these updates and will continue to keep you updated on our XRPL build as much as we can!

The XRPL build is continuing to go well with the completion of the front end for the SVS-ERC20/SVS-XRPL swap page and links have been added to the wallet page. The devs are working hard on this and are ready to start the next stage of the build.

In other news, our CEO Leanne was interviewed last week for TechRound! The article talks all about her reason for joining GTS and her mission moving forward. You can read it here: https://techround.co.uk/pr/leanne-holder/

Finally, the team head off to London for another event next week. DAS: London is Europe’s leading institutional crypto conference for asset managers and financial services professionals.

During this two-day event, industry leaders from the world of finance and digital assets will gather to discuss crypto from the perspective of industry practitioners. We are excited to be heading there and to be amongst some great financial professionals.

We will include how the event went in the next update!

Jake, COO

Jake, COO
October 5, 2023